I can't seem to follow through with anything this year and this new job has me spinning a bit disoriented lately.
The day before yesterday I got up early to spend time with the King.........(only happened once this week). Knowing Lent was on it's way....... dreaming of how I wanted it to be the different this year!
It always starts out with good intentions and ends up with me living in the flesh..........doing what I really want to do.
So I asked myself and my teens yesterday; "What is Lent truly about?"
Is it OK that I see Lent as a time of plunging........into a deep dark maze with no-way out?
Repentance I murmur............I know I really want that.......but it's hard because I continue on pretending I am meeting Jesus in the maze of my life.
Externally, Lent is a time of doing without. It is a time of self-denial, a time of true repentance.
But inwardly, Lent is a time of drawing closer to Jesus.
This year I am wanting that...............the inward change..........drawing closer to the King! I want to know him!
Maybe it's me who is scared............worried what demands the King will make of me during the Lent season. Maybe I would like to just avoid it all together instead of being driven into a maze that I feel I can't find my way out of......a place where Satan himself has been given permission to confront me..........and maybe it's me with my prideful self that knows deep down inside I will just fail God again like I have so many times before.
I want to find my way out...............I want a HEART transformation that only true repentance can bring.........but is the maze too much for me? Fear makes me want to run from it all............RUN from repentence run from transformation .........staying on my spiritual treadmill of running in place that is going NO-where!
Am I closed..............to the very GRACE of God? This may be...........my opportunity of CHANGE! Change can be so hard..........but it also can be so a-MAZE-ing! If this is true that Lent is offering us a chance to CHANGE and an opportunity for TRANSFORMATION.........then I want it.......I am willing to be a risk taker...........willing to getting lost in the maze that is before me. Join me want you? In this rare opportunity to start a fresh....to journey INWARD it is our next phase of life with the King.
Let this day be our day of departure.........we are beginning our inward journey: "ashes to ashes and dust to dust." It's all about self-denial...........and getting away from the world and spending time with the King! "Dust we are and dust we shall return."
He is beckoning us to walk with Him with our hands held open ready to receive the unlocking of our real self............ trusting Him through the maze of life where our eyes and ears can't help us because we are walking in submission.......obedience........and surrender to God. It starts with the smallest of surrenders............by opening our hearts to the grace of Lent..............His Grace!
At the end it will be aMAZEing!
all is well,