Wanted to share some of my notes that I took in church Sunday:
Daniel 7:21,25;
(21)I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them;
(25)And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. WEAR OUT THE SAINTS.............Do you ever feel that you can't take it anymore???? Satan is not only attacking us, He is enticing us.............diminishing us and reducing us.......We are supposed to be more than conquerors.........Satan is never going to come against you the way you think he will............Where you think you are the strongest is where you will be tested...........God's word teaches us that we have to be overcomers........hold out until the end.........no matter what comes our way.............God tells us through His word not to fear the things.........we are going to suffer.........we live in a fallen world..........
We are living in trying times........there are false prophets all around us......the sad part is they are teaching us that we can live lose lives by claiming to know Jesus and living in immortality at the same time.......Just like when the Israelites were worshipping Yahweh one minute and the next they were building a golden calf and worhipped it..........Our drive to do these things is 2nd in command to our eating..........It never goes away.........and meanwhile these false prophets are teaching us that we can be FREE......Free to live in sin and know Jesus at the same time................What will Jesus find when he returns in my heart????? In your heart????? A half-hearted Christian????? A luke-warm Christian????? Or a cold- Christian???? Satan is here to wear you and me out.............
When we are physically worn out and tired; we start to question who we are and whose we are.........we even question if we are saved at times?????? When you have these feelings I want you to remember to say this aloud: Greater is He that is in me than he who is in the World............either we will overcome these things.........or it will overcome us.........it can't be about what we feel......we have to stand on what we know.....and that my friends is the Word of God...........