Genesis 21:19
19 Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink.
What am I giving to my girls to drink? Is it the living kind? The living water?
Doesn't the God who is omnipotent provide us with the water everywhere?
But how? how do I make myself and these teens drink? Drink from the well of living water?
the tail spin of life..... the emptiness of it all................emptiness is what I feel when another looses their life? As I stand there in the door-way of a hospital room to someone who is terminal and I feel the nothing......Is it the nothingness that I stay in because it's safe and I am protected from the caring.....because does it really matter anyway? Maybe I am wearing my nothingness to HIDE all my sadness............
Although the water is have to want have to want to drink of the living have to want to never thirst again...........God can and will show us the well.........but it is us who has to do the His generous grace..........He who is the living waters is offering........offering us a drink.......a taste of heaven.
Will we drink?
Praying that I don't forget..... what God has done.......praying not to feel such emptiness - wanting to get rid of the emptiness ............even if it is all I know........and praying for me the wretched mama to stop trying to see through the eyes of reason..................I lay my hand on the woman-child and gently take her face into my hands and I remind her that God is a good God and his goodness is full of grace.................and that we are to cling to his goodness
and I gently whisper how can I help these girls that you have entrusted to me if I can't even see? the eyes of my heart Lord..........I want to see what you see!
all of grace,
(a quiet repost, while Amy and I are in the ICU's today. Thank you for your grace)