As I woke this morning this is what I found in my front yard........
When life gets a little muddy I want to run back to my bed and pull the covers over my head.....
Lately I feel like I am a muddy mess.....just going through the motions; life seems so repetitive lately(ever felt like you were living Ground Hog day????)........Every week the same old thing, day after day.....I wake up to the discontentment of my the anxiety that there are not enough hours in the day to get done what I need too......I wake to the living tired all the time......asking myself questions as if I can answer them myself.......I awake to already feeling tired..........awake to the yelling at my children, the making of beds....the laundry that is piled so high......awake to the knowing that the laundry is never done.............I awake to the fear( the fear that is not of God)..........I awake to the realization that I will never be the kind of wife that my husband deserves.....I awake to the thoughts of the damage that I might have afflicted upon my children........I awake to thinking WOW, I am alive for another day............................................
Am I simply going through the motions? Why am I constantly running on empty? All for what? For a clean house? For some sense of control? And yes God still speaks in this turmoil we call life......and he whispers so gently: "Matthew 11:29
29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
I have to stop focusing on my failures! And so do you......God has paid the price for our sins.....we do not have to stay in the pit......the pit of conviction.......Feeling a conviction should not be an end to all things.....YES we should be humbled.....and have guilt.........and sorrow....(a godly sorrow).......But we are not to stay in those things......or allow those feelings constant access into our lives......They are only meant to make us lay down the self......the.laying down of having it my way..........laying down the greed......the selfishness............It is only meant to drive us to our knees with a repentance heart.............all the while, keeping our eyes on Jesus and the victory at the cross.............
Putting on my daughter's rain boots today and digging my way out of the pit that has so easily ensnared me......I am no longer trapped; for God himself payed for me with a price......and for you....... "O afflicted one, storm-tossed and not comforted,
behold, I will set your stones in antimony,
and lay your foundations with sapphire
What is my lesson here today? God sends us on a Journey....or as my instructor in seminary calls us SOJOURNERS........the lesson is oh so clear to me now as clear as the blue skies of Carolina.........."Our Lord has preserved us in the past and he will preserve us in the days ahead........but more importantly, he has an eternal purpose in mind............He preserves me and you because He has a purpose for us..........He has laid it all out on the map of eternity........the way we must walk.......and only the tested, tried, and weary believer can and will accomplish it.........So on our Journey; fellow sojourners......this is not a time for timid is time for the Christians who have endured the fiery trials to step forward......Our Father who art in calling stand up....... and preserve through it..... and when we do reach the end (which we will one-day, like it or not) we would have stood the test of time.........
all of grace,
a quiet reposting from I am busy with the preparations for the mission trip my second teen is packing for........(the excitement of the oldest woman-child who returns from her mission trip tomorrow) humbly asking for your grace as we pack and pray for the life changing kind of experience for these teen girls!