"The people of the country call it Capernaum." Capernaum was a fairly large settlement on the Northwestern edge of the Sea of Galilee.... Capernaum became the home town of Jesus after Nazareth, and from the synagogue there He launched his preaching mission.......
This is the center of Jesus' ministry.......Capernaum means, "village of Nahum," Nahum means, "comfort or consolation." The meaning should remain us of the many miracles of healing that Jesus performed in this vicinity........
It was a busy fishing town that was located near an abundant spring and well-watered fertile plains........
Archaeological remains of Peter's house..........
The doorways of the Capernaum synagogue, frames the modern Memorial of St. Peter, built over the traditional house of Peter's mother-n-law.......
A reconstructed colonnade stands tall among the ruins of the synagogue of Capernaum.........
Grinding mills for wheat, found in Capernaum.....
Beneath the Memorial of St. Peter are remains of Peter's mother-n-law's house........
This was truly a city of miracles.....and teaching...A place where men were called and they followed. It is the town by the sea that Jesus himself called "HOME." It is where five of the disciples: Peter, Andrew, James, John, and Matthew-lived and were called, and chose to follow......
Reconstructed colonnade...............that stands tall in the ruins of the synagogue of Capernaum..........
Standing here in the shades of the old buildings...Our hearts cry out to want to know more.......more about our Jesus...Amy and I try to picture Jesus touching Peter's mother-n-law and commanding, "Be well," and in that very moment she was healed.......as the sun is beaming down upon us..we thought about the very words Jesus spoke here: If one of these little children believes in me, and someone causes that child to sin, it would be better for that person to have a large mill-stone tied around the neck and be drowned in the sea......as we stood there if you listened closely enough you could hear the waves from the Sea of Galilee.....
This is also where the sick and desperate sought him out. It is also where those who were hungry in spirit came to feast on Jesus' words who was and who is the "Bread of Life." He spoke the most important word ever here that has been repeated throughout time...."BELIEVE."
Also at Capernaum it is believed that this is where a demon-possessed man cried out, "Jesus of Nazareth! What do you want with us?"