Then Pilate therefore took Jesus, and scourged him. And the soldiers plaited a crown of thorns, and put it on his head, and they put on him a purple robe, And said,"Hail, King of the Jews!" and they smote him with their hands. Pilate therefore went forth again, and saith unto them, Behold, I bring him forth to you, that ye may know that I find no fault in him. Then came Jesus forth, wearing the crown of thorns, and the purple robe. And Pilate saith unto them, Behold the man!"
Matthew 27:29
... and then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand and knelt in front of him and mocked him. "Hail, king of the Jews!" they said. (NIV)
In the Bible thorns often represent sin, and therefore, the crown of thorns is fitting—that Jesus would bear the sins of the world. But a crown is also fitting because it represents the suffering King of Christianity—Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Random pics from the special people that we went to Israel with.......these two beautiful girls were called the "THE SISTERS," Amy and I were known as the "NURSES." Every single person from that group has such a special place in our hearts....we miss them terribly........Sisters if you are reading this we love you and miss you.......the nurses......................
Don't you just see God glowing right here!!! These two women were amazing women of God........Oh how they made the trip wonderful!!!!!(they were best friends)........
"Life cascades from this Ein Gedi waterfall.......bearing rainwater from the Judean Mountains.......................
"As the deer thirsts for streams of water, so I thirst for you....." (Psalm 42: 1)Long before "humans," came to Ein Gedi's overflowing spring......bountiful greenery provided shelter from the intense sun to the caprines and coney's of Psalm 104......The bible calls "EIN GEDI," "the rocks of the Wild Goats," hence why we saw the precious little things on our way in to Ein Gedi........This was "David's oasis hideout!!! And where Saul enjoyed a moment of healing in their rocky relationship......This amazing place was founded some 300 years after David's time............
The dry climate and fertile oasis were a perfectly balanced home for the "beds of spice yielding perfume," (Song of Solomon 5:18).......
Visitors climb through the tangled reeds to the waterfall named after David.......I am almost certain that the future king and his mighty men walked these amazing paths............................(children and adults splashed about in the water down below)......just as David's 400 men might have done thousands of years ago........................
As Amy and I began our climb, toward David's Fall, we had to step on very large rocks.....As we turned and looked we were awestruck by the caves cut into the mountains that had been there for thousands of years........................As I looked over them one by one, I wondered in which of these did this man who so had a heart for Jesus hide in from Saul.....................Saul would have been crouched only a few feet away..................But David who was driven by "LOVE," spared the King's life.........................according to 1 Samuel; David crept up on Saul as he slept and cut off a piece of the King's robe.....proving that he could have killed him but resisted.......(He didn't feed his flesh..........)
Amy and I were distracted by the sound of the rushing water of the small waterfall of Lower Wadi David.......We continued our journey and stepped off the beaten path.......balancing ourselves on large rocks and slipping our feet into the stream......Why? Why were we so drawn to this simple place? The water looked as if it were emerald green as it fell like God's Grace........................It seems so powerful and completely surrounded by Peace indescribable!!!!
The green you see on the side of the caves is the date palms of the modern day oasis of Ein Gedi and they skirt the stark wilderness cliffs............................
Look at that view.......the huge mountains in the background........I am totally captivated by Israel's beauty.............................Ein Gedi has lush greens in the middle of a desert....with mountains that stun you by their height!
Caves dotting the walls of Ein Gedi like these once hid a fleeing David from King Saul's wrath and vengeance.......................David was the "victim," of one of Saul's rages...........Saul took 3000 chosen men out of Israel to seek David and his men upon these very rocks which were called the "the rocks of the wild goats."(1 Sam. 24: 2)........
As I look back on these pictures I remember how I felt somewhat connected to the heart of a man who sought the heart of God.................................Although for a time David was a fugitive.....he dwelt in the secret place of the Most High; so much so that when his enemy was vulnerable, he chose God's way and not his own fleshly drop my head in shame today!!!! How many times have I sought out my own revenge? How about you? Rather than seek God's power and peace, I have always found it easier to seek my own vengeance....I basically chose to be apart from God rather to live with him in such a way that becomes one with the Father..............I close my eyes once more and silently scream from my heart.....teach me O'Lord......teach me your ways......change me Father down to the core of who I am...........Give me a new heart....a heart like David's.........A heart for you.....
His Grace,