It is here that I wonder..... wonder what is His Grace all about? What kind of heart does God have? Can I feel it, and touch it for another day......What does his over flowing grace feel like? Grace that has already been bought.....grace that can no longer be bargained for.......grace that can't be pleaded what is God's grace all about? is a gift.....a gift of salvation...
What is a life without grace?
We start by praising him.......for who He is.......We name his attributes.....and His character....
We talk about Him as if He is a friend....our lover.....our hope......
We read scripture aloud and beg for God to hear our cries......
we confess our sins and ask Him to toss them aside like filthy rags.......we feel empty....we want to run to escape the waste that the world offers to our precious children....that tricks them in to believing they can have it all and have it their is the serpent again whispering more lies.........leaving us begging for more, more comfort.....more easy.......more of the good.......all the while we can look around and see suffering......suffering of people who have God's grace.....and the Holy Spirit within me ever so gently whispers, "His ways are not your ways...."
Who would deserve His Grace?.....and I whisper more.....more please, more of
God's Grace........God's Grace.........I keep saying quietly to myself......
We continue after confession with Thanksgiving....thanking Him for everything I can utter out upon His throne of grace..........
Then we bravely approach the throne of grace and intercede for our children......
sometimes feeling like a taker instead of a giver......wanting what I want...trying to beg for the good instead of the bad.......Why is it that we are willing to accept the good but not the bad? I continue to crave the easy.......
When all God really wants is for our highest form of prayer to be about His goodness....(the goodness of God).......(Julian of Norwich)......the goodness of God will never pass away but our flesh will....... God's goodness covers our flesh....
God desires for us to cling to him with all our soul.......and in prayer we are to cling to His goodness.....
And oh how He blesses us with His Grace.........................
What are we human beings that you are mindful of them......Psalm 8
then we pray for our schools, teachers and all staff....we beg for his grace.....we read scripture to Him.......we end by thanksgiving......but ready to run for our lives if what is given seems bad....
We are always ready to take from Him if its good......What about the bad? Sometimes the suffering will lead us to the throne of Grace............
Who truly deserves His grace?
forever indebted to His grace,