Most Christians would say that they know of God's love for them because He gave his only son to die for us. Most Christians can even quote John 3:16; For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life. The revelation of God's love comes in part when we are born again. We learn something of our love for God; but we never understand the revelation of God's love for us.
Do we dread drawing near to him because we feel that we have failed Him? Do we see Him as a policeman-God, ready to hand out parking tickets for our sins? Thinking we are being judged or worse yet condemned? Moses felt this way too. He viewed God as a God of wrath, he trembled with terror in the Lord's presence. He petitioned Him, pleading with Him on behalf of Israel. This is how Moses saw his relationship with the Lord. All of this changed when Moses got a literal glimpse of God's glory. Moses wanted more of God; he pleaded with him "Lord show me your glory." God responded by taking Moses aside and putting him in the cleft of the rock. Scripture says; he revealed himself to Moses in all his glory. The way God wants us to know his glory is through the revelation of his great love toward human kind. Are you starting to realize who God is? When we think about his glory we think splendor, power, majesty! This is his glory too but not what God wants us to know only about him! We are missing it! He is waiting! WAITING; for you and for me to show us His LOVE, by forgiveness and mercy, through us having a relationship with him! When we have an authentic relationship with him, we will start to realize that WE ARE LOVED!!!! Once we know of His true love for us then and only then can we move into a true worship of Him. It will change the way we live, they way we forgive the way we treat others, even people who have hurt us. We will start to become more like him. He loves you... Don't you want to know that?
Father thank you for laying on my heart to write about your love for us. We want to know this kind of love...
His grace,