Monday, February 6, 2012

Roses are red

I count the petals's on my way to cook dinner last night that I stop..... I count.
It's quiet falling. It's grace...............His grace that gently falls our way.
But am I focused? Focused on all the grace that so gently has landed on my path? Or am I focused on

Some days I fight to cling to my reality..............of the daily starting over and over again with the unmade beds the dishes piled high.......... the phone that never stops ringing.......... days that seem to be running together all the while I am murmuring.......... 24 hours is never enough!

The truth is what do I see when I look in the mirror?
Do I see another day of grace? Or more lines on my face..........Can beauty be purchased?
Isn't beauty supposed to be in the eye of the beholder?

We are His vessels waiting and needing to be filled with living waters..........the beauty is in the here and now. The beauty is the gift of growing older...........the grey hair and lines on my is all a gift!
It is the gift of time.........time to grow into become living sacrifices.
I don't want to miss it...... the moment of being transformed..........into His likeness.
He is our beauty that was broken for you and for me!  It isn't about the..........growing older but the chance to grow closer to the one who gave His all.

All the days to come I wish to be a womb for God.........for time is short...........I will pray to be a dwelling place for the most High King.  Even when the world keeps me spinning I will whisper; "come dwell come dwell!"

And when I see my reflection again in the mirror it's not me that I's His grace He has allowed for another day!

Matthew 5:5;

You're blessed when you're content with just who you are—no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought.

all is well,

the gifts in the now:

husband sitting close at church
warmer weather
coffee in the morning
microwave that is broke
the dishwasher handle falling to the floor
the youngest teen saying God laid something on her heart
the teens learning the power of His name when they are scared; JESUS
riding with the windows down in the old truck with the dog
growing older
more lines on my face
grey hair
realizing that this world is not my home
letting go of fear
embracing joy
counting blessings