Monday, August 8, 2011


Sisters making memories that entail laughter.........and telling each other their secrets....a sister is a born friend with a bond that can never be broken.
  I always wanted a sister.  I never dreamed that it would be me with 3 girls.

It was the middle daughter's (gracie's) 8th grade social. A dance where the dress needed to be hemed.

It was the oldest the 16 year who rushed in hard after school one afternoon to take an old dress and make it new for her younger sister.

I ran fast to get my camera wanting to capture this moment of wild grace.

They sewed together with giddy grace until that dress was the perfect!
In my heart I couldn't help but wonder would they have the friendship that grows from love?.....Will they hold each other up when their hurt is more than they can bare?
The two that stand together....a bond.........with their double grins. And me too. Thoughts dance through my head how me with my messy life was given the priviledge of birthing not one but three who will one-day be women......women whom I pray will serve the most high God!
They took an old dress and made it new again.......just like God does for us....he takes the old and makes us the new in Him.

2 Corinthians 5:17;
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

all of grace,

thankful for:
coffee grains in my coffee
teens fighting over who sits where in the car
husband who plays the radio loud
clogged toilets at the beach
card games
family time
teens laying across you bed wanting you to scratch their back
homemade clam chowder
breeze from the ocean

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