Ezekiel 36:26-27 the lord says, " I will put my spirit within yours and cause you to walk in my way."
Once the Holy Spirit transmits the quality of love into you- your very core- your job will then be to walk in his love. Once his divine love is transmitted in us, we will be able to love others as easily as he loves us.
When you start to feel God's love for his people- you will not be able to stop yourself from loving his people.
As I hold their tired and wrinkled hand- as I bathe the sick and weary- or sit by the bed of a lonely outcast- I cant help myself. The tears begin to fill my eyes as I begin to see that person- through Jesus' eyes. There is a song on the Christan radio station that I listen too that says..... Give me your eyes for just one second- give me eyes so that I can see- everything that Ive been missing- give me your love for humanity.
Why is it so hard to step out of our comfort zone and help another in need? Can you make eye contact with someone hurting- and then look away as if you do not see them?
I want to get to that place- that place where Jesus is in control of me all the time. The old me is gone and the new me is so filled with the Holy Spirit that everyone that comes in contact with me- sees Jesus in me. How can we get to that place? I feel God so strongly in that twenty bed ICU where I work. Is it because so many call out his name? It is at home where I fill the most resistance. The most tension. Sometimes I feel like two different people- no not multiple personalities- but full of Jesus one minute and lonely and empty the next.
I know that Satan is the king of lies- that he plays on our weakness. One of my weakness' is my family. I have such high expectations for my boys- it is when I take my eyes off what is truly important, and focus on things of this world- is when I fall short.
Father, I pray for you to live in my heart- to dwell in me every second of every day.