I continue upon this journey with a stiff-neck and a hard-heart..........so how do I continue in this race called life without damaging the ones I love the most?
Why do I feel the need to flee this thing called; "motherhood?" is it my girls- the woman-child looking girls who yell and fight over who is wearing who's clothes? Or is it my own evil, that rages inside of me that is brought out by running in circles....my world is fast and noisy, sometimes blurry....toilet's clog, dog poops in closet, the goldfish is floating upside down, the youngest is screaming and crying because her goldfish is upside down, the cat coughs a fur-ball up on the back porch (that looks like a dead rat), the service engine light is on again, ball practice, laundry...dishes piled high in the sink, trash overflowing, dentist appointment, ......husband on a plane to Dallas....the dog needs exercise........ but in the midst of this craziness I keep hearing a whisper.....God's Grace.....god's grace.................I start to say it over and over again...god's grace...
I am lost in the wilderness......just like the Israelites....I close my eyes today....as the sun hits my face....I whisper to myself remember..............remember God's grace... I say it again as I try and picture it.....God's grace.......
If Jesus is the gateway, (the gateway to heaven...) then how do I get to the gate?
"prayer and thanks-giving!"
Our problems are discussed more with people rather than God.............
Luke 18: 8;
when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”
Are we loosing heart????
loosing the desire to pray?......because of the chaos of our life?
What will He find when he comes? Just Sunday worshippers? Just a good bible study student? Someone who can quote scripture? None of these things will take you to the gate........
Never, ever is a prayer offered in Jesus' name in vain.........
Never do our prayers just fall to the ground unnoticed...
So why is it so hard to find the time to pray?
the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak......
the flesh does not want you to pray....anything but pray......
Romans 8: 5-8;
Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. 7 The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. 8 Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.
Prayer produces Peace.......in our minds and our hearts....
Prayer lets us rest easy knowing that God is solving the problem.......maybe not in our timing but in His.....
Prayer is food for our soul's......and it strengthens us in our labors......
If you are longing for peace that surpasses all understanding.....
it's simple......just stop and PRAY......
Pray without ceasing.............is the only way to survive.......this craziness called life...
by grace alone............