What is my calling in life? What is your calling? Is it to go to church? To do good church activities? To teach a bible study? Are we simply content in being a good person?
I am constantly reading and studying the bible to get my work done for school instead of spending time with God....yes I am back on my spiritual treadmill of going nowhere! I am running in place content with being good instead of Godly........I am allowing Satan victory by filling my life with good things that I have designed for myself!!! Good things that give me satisfaction when other people seem pleased or impressed. It all makes sense to me now how I crave the stillness, the peace, and the quietness....never quiet finding it.....I am serving others instead of God!!!! We have to change our thinking , it is a mindset........We work for God not to please others....We need to be less concerned about our character and more concerned with Falling in Love with the Lord!!! Paul did not say that "he," separated himself, but "WHEN IT PLEASED GOD, WHO SEPARATED ME......." (Galatians 1:15).....Paul was not OVERLY INTERESTED in his own character!!!!!!!!! Paul was not conscious of himself.......He was recklessly abandoned, totally surrendered, and separated by God for one purpose.......TO PROCLAIM THE GOSPEL OF GOD.......Romans 9:3,
There is only one word that I keep hearing whispered to me through His word......HUMBLE........HUMBLE YOURSELF..... Stand with the Father against the very things that tempt you to do what "OTHERS," see as "GOOD." Until we take our focus off us and our circumstances.....our souls will be empty.........
Satan is tempting you and me to be good because he fears that we will become one with the Father.........
If we place our faith in human goodness we will sink when the testing comes.........and it will come.....
Why is it that we place our desire to be holy above our desire to know God? I am so guilty of this, wanting to build my own character.....This statement rings truth in my ears: "YOU WILL FIND YOURSELF WHEN YOU LOSE YOURSELF." In other words; take your eyes off of your own circumstances...its time to stop playing the victim card.....it's time that we allow ourselves to fall.....We have to yield our minds and motives to God....then we can begin the fall......instead of relying on ourselves we learn to rely on the Holy Spirit.....who is God in us...then we become one with the Father........oneness=relationship!!!!
Wanting so badly to surrender,