Robbie, for one who has been given much, much will be demanded.......and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.................Wow.......oh how I wish I knew how to lay it all down on the altar as a sacrifice to Him.................this blog is not about is where I can take myself lower.....making me more humble................. I want it to be all about Christ!!!!!!! As I blog the Lord gently nudges me....lay it out....lay out your wounds.....your torn out wounds......your failures and how you have lost your patience but with a gentle reminder how our Saviour never looses His...... and He never grows weary........
Joshua 5:13-15...................13 Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, “Are you for us or for our enemies?”
14 “Neither,” he replied, “but as commander of the army of the LORD I have now come.” Then Joshua fell face down to the ground in reverence, and asked him, “What message does my Lord[e] have for his servant?”
15 The commander of the LORD’s army replied, “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy.” And Joshua did so.
So now what is it that the Lord has to say to me? To you????
It is so clear to me now why God laid on my heart the main verse of our Yahweh Sisters Blog site; it is what he has been saying to me to you?
Matthew 22:37-38.....
“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the first and greatest commandment.
I know that I am a bit of a mess in this "Life, raising actually feels like I have pit bulls instead of daughters sometimes.........and yes it was me that told Amy that it is us 'WOMEN," who have the power to set the pace of our homes. It is us who controls the is even US who sometimes causes the chaos when things are spiraling out of control................Did you know that "grace truly is contagious" .... and when we don't lay it on the altar, when we can't give up the control.... when I make the mistake of screaming at my kids and telling them that they are crazy, and I really do think my 15 year old is It is then that I can sense the spiritual attacks and feel like Satan is up to his same old tired tricks of using my family members to get me to react and lose it. It works when my daughter screams to the top of her lungs....."WHAT IF I DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD?".........and I scream back: "well just sit in the church and FAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! (yes I did say that.....)"
I cried out to God last night with everything in me and screamed like a crazy women that: " I don't want to do this anymore......I want to run and never look back.... I want to run to that stillness and quietness that I long for....
I cry out to God with weariness on how I have allowed the flesh victory today............Please Abba Father don't let the girls be confused ...let them know the power of your grace......your unfathomable grace......
pouring out my heart like dirty water,
in his grace,