Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cemetaries in Jerusalem......

As I look from above down at the cemetery and wonder? Wonder if there is such a thing as eternity????..........Did they run this race as fast and as hard as us the 21st century............If there is such a thing as eternity then isn't it enough to know that time will never run out for "Christians"?........God's word promises us "Life for Eternity".........but when the night is still and you face your fears.....fears of the unknown....the fear that I have wrestled with more times than I care to remember......fear that has enveloped me the night my daughter didn't come home....fear that brought me to my knees and weeping in Israel....the mind games that Satan can play with us over and over again wrecks havoc in our lives....but yet....we "CHRISTIANS," have been promised life everlasting.......

I stare at the cemetery for a long while and think about my life slipping away.........knowing that I can spend it anyway I want.....but we can never store it......and always longing for an extension!!!!!
Time is the one thing in life that is not flexible.......What have I invested my time too?
If I am invested in something then I committed or devoted morally to it.........So am I invested in following Jesus just on Sunday worship? Or have I picked up my cross and followed Jesus? It has to be" EVERYDAY WORSHIP,"  not just" SUNDAY WORSHIP".........

Like the sunset over the "City of God," our Life is everlasting.......God is Faithful........Pain is part of the package.........suffering produces patience.......Who am I?????  BROKEN? Yes............God will teach us who He is through our trials.......When the world starts to crumble all around...(notice I said WHEN not IF) We will remain standing.......the burning off the waste.....when the fire is turned up and the waste that makes us impure....is reduced and removed........the flesh that is killing us...in all we do.......is removed.....
When the misery starts and  loss is unbearable.....remember it is God himself who leads us down that walk even if it is to a funeral of a loved one............He is right there with His children "CATCHING ALL THEIR TEARS"..........
Psalm 56:8 (ESV):    You have kept count of my tossing; put my tears in your bottle.
 Are they not in your book?

All I can think of is that story in Luke 7: 36-50..............................
And behold, a woman of the city, who was a sinner, when she learned that he was reclining at table in the Pharisee’s house, brought an alabaster flask of ointment, 38and standing behind him at his feet, WEEPING, she began to wet his feet with her TEARS and(C) wiped them with the hair of her head and kissed his feet and anointed them with the ointment.

She poured it out......poured out her love.........poured out her heart...........she poured out her heart like dirty water........poured out her everything.....and God saw it and collected her tears and gave her eternity......a life everlasting.........
the pharisees gave him no water for his feet....but she wet his feet with her tears......and she wiped them with her hair......she loved much......one who had so little loved much......one whose sins were many loved much......and was forgiven.....forgiven and given a life that lasts for eternity............ 

     God does know all our wanderings and sorrows and all our tears, and stores them up somewhere
and this same God who can't help himself with perplexing His kingdom forward is inviting us to become one with him.....

pouring it out,
like dirty water.....